(H) 3 Players are looking for a chilled and laid back guild

Hello everyone!

As the title already says are we looking for a new home to get the best Dragonflight experience we can get! For that we want a chilled and social guild.

About us:
We are 3 players (2 “veterans” and one new player) from Germany. We would start from scratch completely because we want to leave our current characters behind since we look for a total new experience.

What are we looking for:

  • A social guild who is active in chat and Discord
  • activities like raids and M+ (even older raids for mounts and mog are fine!)
  • No toxic or childish behaviour

Yeah, that’s it for now! I hope we can find a suitable place for us on this way! If you got more questions you can add me on my battletag: Monarch#21435

Hey Hireshia, hope you and your two other friends find what it is you’re looking for. We have a new guild going on in Ragnaros. Founded a couple of weeks ago, but growing and looking good. Here goes …

Goldshire Dancers Union [H] is finally here to uphold the dignity of the world’s oldest trade. Our revolutionary approach to gaming involves lots of fun and negotiable clothing. What’s not to like???

A new guild on Ragnaros we aim to start raiding during the pre-patch but will look to get going as soon as we can. We’re now just leveling chars and those at cap doing the usual M+.

Due to our, eeerrrrrr, professional commitments in Goldshire we don’t have a TON of time, so we’re shooting for shorter raids. We are not getting CE, that’s kinda settled, but aiming for AoTC and potentially a few Mythic bosses at a relaxed pace. So raids will be twice a week, 19:00 to 20:30 ST Mon/Thu.

M+, transmog runs, lap dances and other shenanigans will of course happen too.

So join us now, JOIN THE FIGHT! And let’s have fun in this game again.

Hit Lepanto#2853 if you need medical help and want to learn more or join us!

SUP! :sunglasses:

Check us out: [H] <Laddercoins> Recruiting! 7/8N 3/8HC, M+ and Socials