[H] 4AM Raiders (4AM raiding community)

4AM Raiders is THE community for early bird gamers. We do 4AM-7AM raids Mon/Thur for anyone who would rather raid in the morning than in the evening.

We don’t require any past raiding experience. Just come with a keen mind and be willing to learn.

We prefer an ilvl of 180+ for Castle Nathria normal raids.

Raid leader has 10+ yrs of experience as a raider and raid leader.

Join us in game with the link https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/NpdBdXUDYe?region=EU&faction=Horde

or hit me up in-game (Derpies#2676) or here!

Still got a spot for Frost Mage? I will consider to server move and faction change if need to.

Since it’s not a guild you can join even if you’re not on the same realm, only need to be the same faction. We still have spots for everything since we just started up. I think you should be able to join through the link as long as you’re on horde. Otherwise, hit me up. :slight_smile:

Cool, is there a raid schedule this coming Monday 4am? If not I’ll faction change after the reset.

We’ve scheduled a raid for monday but no rush if you’d rather wait until reset.

Are you starting at the first boss? I’ve cleared 4 of them so far. Looking to do the later ones in the raid, especially stone legion for my legendary.

We’ve downed 5/10 normal for this week. Continuing monday with Lady, Council and the final 3.