As content has slightly dried up, we have had several players suffer from the mid-tier blues and it has resulted in us no longer being able to push mythic content. We are looking for a potential merger with a similar level guild in order to push on this tier and into the next tier.
Mergers are often messy, therefore we need to work out what is best for both guilds and how things can work to keep a majority of our players happy. We raid twice a week from 21:00 - 00:00 server time. We have several great players capable of pushing onto CE (which was achieved in Nya).
If you’re interested, please drop your B-Net or discord below for a chat.
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Hi! Would like to know more! Hit me up @ AJNGUYEN#2443 for a chat
Added - Again, great opportunity for those guilds on struggling to fill 20/20 Mythic spots who have a desire to push CE on a 2 day schedule!
I’d be interested in having a chat - Pata#2290
I have not received no adds might be worth trying again @ AJNGUYEN#2443 or leave your add?
hi there do you mind telling me what server you are on? contact me at Yummybunny#3236 on discord please 
Hi there drop me a msg via discord General Dench#3228 or drop by our guild discord discord.gg/gJ86sMdx5D and we can sort something out for you
Please add me on battlenet for a chat.
Discord => Bboysnake#5643
Up for a little chat about our current situation and yours.