[H] AmongFriends

AmongFriends is a brand new community for those of you who are looking for friendly people to do content, or socialize, with. This is mostly aimed at people who play this game casually. The community is not expected to be very big, as I would like it to be a close-knit one.

What about raids or mythics?
This community is not aimed at doing any kind of raiding. That could, of course, change if people are interested in doing that kind of content.

We will do Mythics, but generally not higher than +10. If people are interested in pushing higher that’s fine, but you should not expect keys to be pushed very high.

Who should join?
There could be any number of reasons why you would like to join:

  • Maybe you just returned to WoW after some time away, and are now looking for a slower paced gaming experience.
  • Maybe you want to learn to play a new role, but want to avoid PUGs because of the toxicity?
  • Maybe you want to play occasional M+10, but not push further than that?
  • Maybe you have social anxiety and want to find a small friendly community.
  • Maybe you just want friendly people to chat with.
  • Maybe you are a new player.

The most important point is that you are expected to be a good fellow member. Toxicity will not be tolerated. You should feel that you are among friends.

Is this a hardcore community?
Not at all.

Do you have Discord?
No, and whether or not to set one up depends on you guys. Having to talk on voice chat will never be a requirement. But it might be a good idea to listen in if people are doing higher M+ keys.

Are you a hardcore player?
No. I have played since vanilla, but I can count the number of times I’ve been in a real raid on one hand.

How can I join?
You can use this invite link.

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We’re slowly growing, and we got plenty of room for more people who wishes to join! :slight_smile: