[H Anniversary] (Mon/Tue) <Thunderstrike> The Syndicate is recruiting for melee DPS

We are a Semi-hardcore guild looking for more DPS warriors and rogues to join our roster for BWL and beyond. The guild goal is to clear the entirety on Classic and TBC in a timely matter, while also relaxing outside of our few raiding hours. Main Raid day is Monday, extra day Tuesday. Our loot system is EP/GP

What we require:

-Know your class and boss mechanics
-Bring basic class consumables
-Pre-raid BiS or close to it
-Know proper english

What we don’t require:

-World Buffs

Guild Discord: discord.gg/ZyAdaXs4Gp

If you’re interested or have any questions feel free to contact me: Bnet Goreson#21658, Discord Goreson