[H] <AP> Ancient Prophecies (2-nights Twisting Nether)

<Ancient Prophecies>

Battle for Azeroth update!
The Mythic raid group is more or less finalized, however, we always on the lookout for skilled players, if you got what it takes, and want to raid the hardest content in BfA, now is your chance. Join us, show us that you are an invaluable asset to our raid team!
(raid spots (very few) open for mostly DPS (healer/tanks feel free to also apply))

We have returned, and with it comes a chance for a new era of our band of misfits.
<AP> has been around since the early days of WotLK, what began as a bunch of friends pugging Naxx, later turned into a guild that cleared all content, hard and otherwise. We bested Mimiron`s button, we grew insane in the face of Yogg, ended the reign of the Lich King, ripped apart Deathwing himself, and ended Garrosh plans of terror. From over the years, many have come and gone, but the core have become more than just "raid-buddies", we are friends, the best of friends! I personally found my wife, sorta, kinda via this guild, but enough about that.
We are back!

So what does that mean for <AP>, currently we are a warband with many members scattered to the wind, yet the sound of the battle horns reignited our lust for war, so we have returned. Older, stronger, wiser than before. <AP> is run by us, and we love what we do, and now, we are looking for you! Our next member, our next friend, to join us and not only raid, but become part of the band.

So, enough banter, here is the brass tax, we are lacking people. We just came back (end-Legion) to prepare for BfA, our plan is to be raid ready when BfA launch, and start the progression as soon as possible. The guild disbanded during WoD, as there was no interest from the players or officers to keep going, we spread to the winds, but the drums of war bring us together once again!
The plan is to start Antorus as soon as possible, to establish the raiding atmosphere again, let people see what we are about, and shake off the rust! We are simply looking for people while we clear out raids for now, and we hope you will join us once BfA launch!

Two Nights Raiding
That`s right, we only raid two nights a week. We are simply too old to raid more these days, we have family, work, children, obligations that prevent us from doing any more than that, so we need to make the most of it. If you are looking for a two-nights raiding team that is not only skilled, but also have years of experience leading and managing people, sign up!

Current schedule is:
Thursday: 19:30 - 23:30 (server time)
Sunday: 19:30 - 23:30 (server time)

Dedication and Determination
Over the years, many raiders have joined us, and learned a lot from us, molding them, turning them into forces to be reckoned with, some left us, seeking a higher end guild, most stayed, even tho they were skilled enough to join the best. The point I am trying to make is this, you might not think you are the best of the best (or maybe you do, and we will prove you wrong), but with our way of raiding/playing, we mold people to become better! We do not scold you for mistakes, you encourage you to learn, improve, become a raider that beats everyone. And when you join a top-end raid guild, you know who brought you there, and be proud that you are <AP>

We expect you to be honest, reasonable and upfront with us. We will offer you a place to grow, a place where your voice is heard, and you will not just be another raider in the roster. It will be a place to find friends, and a place to raid the hardest content, when it is still relevant. You can expect the same from us, we will always be upfront with you!

What we need!
As mentioned previously, we are looking for members to fill the gaps in our ranks. We are recruiting players, not classes. I don`t care what class you play, I care about you, the person behind the screen! If you want to raid with a skilled group, don`t hesitate to contact us! On top of recruiting people of all classes, we are searching for someone to join us as an officer of <AP>. The reason for this, is that currently we are understaffed, and we would welcome a helping hand to help us shape the future of <AP> If you want to be part of something that is building, and perhaps have a vision and want to offer something more than just another raider, let us know.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions!
(Discord: https://discord.gg/PMCxGpw)

Thank you for taking your time to read our post.

Our website: https://ancientprophecies.enjin.com

Please contact Waldon#2856, or simply reply to this post if you have any questions or you are interested!
1 Like
Updated recruitment:

Tank spot is filled! (always considering exceptional tanks)
We are looking for all dps and healers classes.
tried to join your discord but the link has expired!
We don't have/use discord, maybe that's why :)

Where did you get the link?
Recruitment is growing steadily.

Several recruited, with many more interested.
Seems people are eager to get into a guild before BfA launches.

Still seeking exceptional players that can take on the role of an officer in the guild. If you always wanted to help build something, and are not afraid to speak your mind, let us know!

Several members have been recruited.
HC raiding have already begun. (need some more members before Mythic)

Still require more members, and exceptional players that would take the role of officers are still open.
AP is still recruiting more members.
Please contact either Vrex#2613, Waldon#2856 if you are interested in the return of AP!
Short update, new members have been recruited.

Still open (mostly rdps/healer + exceptional tank)

Officer position also still available, if you looking for something more to dig into!
Updated text, expanded, improved.

(Discord info coming shortly)
Recruited a bunch of new members!
Going very well, still open spots!

Come before we need to narrow down the scope of recruitment!
Raiding has begun in earnest, 11/11 HC first attempt.

raiding spots still open:

High: Rdps
High: Healer
Low: Mdps
Low: Tanks
Update on raiding spots:

Rdps: High
Healer: Medium
Mdps: Low
Tanks: Low

However we are always considering exceptional players from all classes.
Clearing HC every week. Getting ready for mythic and BfA.

Still in need of mind liked players, watch the status recruitment above.
Hi Can i ask what your raid days are :)
Updated recruitment status:

Rdps: High
Tank: Medium
Healer: Low
Mdps: Low
We welcome our new members!

We are mainly recruiting Range dps and Healers at the moment however
we always recruit all skilled and friendly players!

If you want a friendly environment with experienced leadership, AP is your home!
For the Horde!

We are nearly ready for BfA.

Also considering a melee with tank os (with tank experience).
Lok'tar Ogar!

We are now looking for a melee with tank os, a balance druid and a strong hunter and mage.

Always considering exceptional players!
Hello there!

I'm here today because i'm looking for a guild to raid in the next Xpac as a Tank.

I have all tanks max level and i going to level them up in BFA to 120 as soon as possible too.

I'm looking for a Guild to Raid as a Tank.
I have a good feral spec too
Wednesday and Thursday

Getting in contact with me so we can talk more in Discord.

Thank You

Website is up and running!