COMMUNITY – Avalon was created for casual cross-realm raiding.
When we formed a guild on Lightbringer/Mazrigos ( Ravenous) a couple of weeks ago we realised that lots of people had temporarily left the game (the usual story at this stage of the expansion) which left the stalwarts behind. Some guilds are so short they can’t raid without pugging, and we know what that is like, don’t we?
Who are we? We are real people with family that come first, friendly too! Between us we have vast experience of raiding and our current characters can be checked out on raiderio. I would emphasise we would be casual raiding nothing hardcore.
What’s needed? The ability to be available 21.00/23.30 server time Wednesdays and Fridays, Be Raid Ready ( we all should know what that means!). We intend to start in patch 8.2 [Azshara’s Eternal Palace] and we can all learn together. However if we get enough response there’s no reason why we can’t start by warming up with BoD!
If you want to have a chat please add Shannos#2536 or Chaxis#2664 or Zipzip#2931
If there’s anyone on Lightbringer/Mazrigos who would like to join us in Ravenous please contact us. We are looking for people to be sociable, to hang out sometimes on discord, to exchange views, altoholics – in short new friends, this is the reason we formed. We use real names or nicknames too! We like to raid and our aim is to do all the content and hopefully AoTC. Over 25’s preferred, in fact the older, the better! =)
Thanks for reading.