[H] BM Hunter - LF Raiding / Mythic+ Guild - Vet Player

Hey Guys,

Looking for a guild to get back into decent raiding again.

I’m currently 400 ilvl, Very active and know my class well.

Looking for a guild to progress content with, Looking for a guild who clear Mythic+ content and raid, Preferably over 18 also.

I raided years ago competitively, Getting Realm 2nd on ToC and Lich King (back when we would set alarms for 3am raiding, good old days)

Just want a sound guild who needs DPS, I have history of being a GM and Officer, I research and help where possible.

I’d be a asset to any raiding guild i feel, I’m reliable and research all mechanics and new content.

Add me on BNET - Styler#21925

Or IGN is Givemeabowy - Horde Tarren Mill

Wrong Character woops x

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