[h] bs lfw

Able to craft all FR gear available (hope it is needed) , no lionheart or stronghold yet!

change profession? ganked you 3 times when you were looking for black lotus :stuck_out_tongue:
or are you a blacksmith / herbalist?

mining / bs m8 , and being ganked doesn’t ring a bell…

ofcourse not :slight_smile:
come back to altar of storms anytime.

that’s at burning steppes , right ?
and by ganked you mean corpse camp, i guess

no. i mean cheap shotting and stunlocking you on your horse not even letting you get off before you die.

so yes you ganked me once , played good i guess , the other 2 times was just corpse camping …

Actually no, i just corpsecamp if there is a reason.

1: 2v1 attack me.
2: 2v1 attack someone else.
3: higher lvl char attack me (no longer possible, reached 60)
4: attack me first (rarely happens. because rogue)
5: on my list of people who gank on boats, neutral town, similar.

so it was 3 separate times. i got some standards despite being rogue.

what are you even talking about ?

talking about this, but i can see your confusion, havent seen you in 13 days according to my addon :stuck_out_tongue:


your addon is wrong m8 , i am not farming black lotus , i am a miner
and btw i don’t need your score 3-0 , i already said that you ganked me once and corpse camp twice afterwards . So which of your 5 rules do i meat your standards ?