[H] <Burnt> Mirage Raceway - semi-hardcore raiding

Who are we?

Burnt has been founded with the aim of clearing all content, at a pace more suited to adult life. We are not aiming to clear Molten Core within the first few weeks, but would like to be competing on the server once Blackwing Lair is released. Following release, we will be aiming to reach 60 and be raiding within 2-3 months.

What kind of people are we after?

We are looking for relaxed, like-minded players who are willing to help out the guild, come prepared to raids and contribute to the general betterment of the guild. Turning up on-time is a must when 39 other players are going to be waiting for you.

Raiding Schedule

Wednesday, Thursday and Monday - Raid invites 19:30 Server Time - Pull 20:00 - End 23:00

With 20 man raids due to be released, additional raiding days may be added or existing days utilised to explore this content (Maybe a combination of both). Everyone will get an input in this decision when it comes time to make it. During farm periods, the number of raid days will be reduced.


We are yet to determine exactly how loot will be distributed during raids. This will be a point of discussion when we arrive there. With multiple systems available, we want something that works for the whole guild.


We are currently recruiting all roles, classes and specs.

Contact Us

Feel free to join our discord server to further discuss the guild


Hey all! For me, perfect hours of raiding! Cant wait to meet all in game and start the fun!

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So pleased to have you on board!

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