[H] Bwonsamdi Fan Club - Heroic raiding community seeking more members

Bwonsamdi Fan Club is a raiding community aiming to clear all normal and heroic mode raids. Last tier, we managed to get curve on Uldir and would like to aim for that on every tier. So far, we’ve cleared Battle for Dazar’alor on normal, and have begun our venture towards heroic (1/9), but we are a small group and are at times unable to raid due to the lack of people.

Which is why we are looking for new people to join us. While we have a clear need for healers and tanks (with DPS offspecs), we have a more immediate need for just more people to be able to raid more consistently.

Raiding times

We raid twice a week, three hours per raid. Every raid has one 15 minute break during it. Our current raid days are Tuesdays and Thursdays and our raids start at 20:00 server time.

Raiding requirements

We use Discord for voice communication during our raids, being able to join and listen is mandatory. Having a mic and being able to use it is a plus, but not a requirement. We also expect our members to use buff foods and flasks during raids.

Raiding attitude

We have a relaxed attitude when it comes to raiding. Our main goal is to clear the content, and as long as we can do that, it doesn’t really matter how we do it. So min-maxing your character and rotations isn’t a requirement to raid with us. Doing good enough to get the kill is all we ask for.

We do collect logs from our raids, but those are only collected for personal improvement purposes, and to help us see any clear mistakes or errors in our tactics.


If you would like to join us, or want to know more, you can contact me on Discord via Pinqvin#0635 or on Battlenet via Pinqvin#2832. Discord is preferable, since I’m checking it pretty much every day.