Hey all !
Been on WoW since 2009, on the same server - went from casual scrub to raider, to mythic raider and is now back to casual scrub again due to addiction to live death metal gigs and other social nonsence 
I was GM and officer in my recent guild but its basicly dead due to low pop and not being able to recruit to our raid team .
So Im looking for a new guild to join - preferably a crazy guild with hardcore banter and an active guild chat/Discord as Im a social mfxcker that loves a laugh while doing stuff online. If its on a high pop server too I would be even more happy.
I dont crave to raid but if there is one now and then Im happy to come screw up and get laughed at xD Im friendly, helpfull - slighty insane and I have a horrible under the belt humor even though Im not a young woman anymore 
I hope to find my perfect match for my pally thats afterall 120 and ilvl 400 even though Ive been slacking badly !
Hit me up \m/ Chaka
Hello Chaka,
Digital Doom is recruiting any DPS, we are a friendly/wierd bunch from all over Europe.
Feel free to take a look at:
Forum: (H) <Digital Doom> Recruitment page
Website: digitaldoom(dot)uk
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Hey man!
You sound like you’d be a pretty great fit to our guild if you’re up for coming to Ragnaros. Order of Thrall are currently recruiting more bodies for the next raid. We’re mainly doing Heroic atm but would like to stretch into Mythic if we get enough people. Nothing over the top serious.
Raid Info:
- Mondays and Thursdays from 20:30 - 23:30 server time
- Make 90% of raids
- Show up with flasks/pots
- Look at tactics
We’re a pretty chill lot, very social, there’s people sat in Discord pretty much every day. Our chat ranges from bad puns to dark… dark humor - we’re not for the easily offended
We have guild memes as well - if you do something extrodinarily stupid in a raid or dungeon we don’t let you forget and it goes on the Calendar for next year.
We play a lot of content together ofcourse, we play other games together as well. Overall a good lot of people.
So if you likes the sounds of us add me: Twilightsky#2695
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Hey guys as I cant commit to raiding its probs best I find a guild that doesnt need me for that. Thanks for the replies though !
<3 Chaka
You’re welcome to join us a Social as well. No pressure