[H] Cold Fusion Recruiting

Hey Skullflame-Horde Side,

We are an established retail guild (10+ Years) that is enjoying the classic game. We are building a solid roster of players to play dungeons, Raid and PVP as the next phases hits.

We are still playing retail although on a break and understand that we are not alone on this. This is why we understand the importance of scheduling raids.

If your looking for a guild that will provide stability and a veteran approach then look no further.

Contact Vuai, Atara or Frogmachine to discuss further.

Look forward to talking soon.

Bumping this, we are still searching for Warlocks. If you’re a Warlock and you’re looking to progress in Molten Core and beyond, then drop one of the above a whisper in game to discuss what being in Cold Fusion is all about :slight_smile:


What is your raid schedules ?
I’m pretty casual veteran player :slight_smile: