Hello there !
We're always keen to recruit new, mature and sensible Czech or Slovak speaking players into our guild, Czech Made, on Saurfang EU (also Darkspear and Terokkar, of course) which was founded on 29.10.2009.
Our intentions are simple: to form friendships, have respect and understanding for one another, and having all-around fun. :-) We're definitely more laid-back and not a progress guild, although we do run Mythic dungeons.
If you're interested to find out more, check-out our forum with the link below:
- or feel free to contact me, our guild-master Mikalai, or officer Cipisek whenever we're online and we'll direct you henceforth!
Thank you, and see you (potentially) in-game :-) :-)
I feel like you missed an option for a glorious pun.
Queen to King five.
"Czech Mate"
Queen to King five.
"Czech Mate"
Ola :) pokud byste prijali casual hrace na Terrokaru, byl bych vdecen :)