[H] <Dawn of the Undead> is recruiting for Mythic raiding (2/9)

Dawn of the Undead (DotU), one of Turalyon’s oldest Horde guilds, born in 2005, have been going strong for well over 13 years now. Our goal has been to create a pleasant environment for both social players and for those who enjoy raiding.

Currently looking for couple more raiders for Mythic progress.

Our main raid times and days are (server time):
Thursday 20.30 - 23.00
Sunday 20:30 - 23:00
Tuesday 20.30 - 23.00

You can find more info from our Wowprogress page…

Or our Forums where you can also apply:
dotu . woweuguild . com

Or just poke any Officer in game for a chat :slight_smile:


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