Hey, we have not long got into m+ and really want to find some people to join us in pushing keys, as pugging it has been very hit or miss. Looking for people who want to improve and push into 15’s and hopefully above.
I’m a Resto Shaman ilvl 209 with a Rio 647, the DH tank just recently re-rolled with ilvl 195 as he not long ding to 60 (He’s still gearing, but is also raiding so should help).
Been trying to push higher in pugs with very little luck.
Have both done mythic+ in past expansions, but really wanted to push it in this expansion. Can do most evenings and weekends, and daytime’s every few weeks at the moment. Not worried about classes as long as you know how to play your class, want to learn, have fun and get into 15’s. Have discord with mic and understand/speck English to make sure stun’s and kicks go out and what not.
Thank you for reading, if your interested or want to know more please message here or add either of us on battlenet:
Lexy#2904 Shaman
rextoyou#2417 DH