Good evening,
9/10 hc DH tank currently looking for a raiding guild that is progressing on heroic ( or even cleared it ) and wants to move on to mythic.
Available in the evenings.
Got a dps spec ( but still learning )
Also available for mythic +
For more information add me YoungLEVI#2686 . or drop a message here.
Much love, Hatchu-boulderfist.
Twisting nether Horde 8/10H 10/10N Maw is a guild formed by old school raiders who are coming back to game for shadowlands. our goal is to clear all the content on normal-heroic-mythic on raid, all the dungeons and pvp contents as guild, Achievements and glories and etc…
***Raid days are Thu-Fri-Sun 21:30 server time to midnight.
***To join our raiding team you need to check some items listed below:
-we use discord so you need to be able to listen and talk on it, language is English but we host other channels for any other language to hang out. then having a working microphone and sound is a must for you. also we run events and votes over discord so we expect our members to check and react over asked topics for a better experience on raiding.
-we use some add-on to help raiding, such as Exorsus Raid Tools- Deadly Boss Mode DBM- Weak Auras and may more standard add-on.
-we have our complete rules listed on our discord and we expect a very friendly and chill family like guild members who respect our rules and help us improve them into a way better ones! we allow you to do mistakes over raid and we give enough space for everyone to improves and get better!
Thanks for the reply! I will get in touch with you.
hey buddy would love to have you on board here is our recruitment link [H] - 9/10HC 1-day Raiding Guild feel free to add yasri#2238 on bnet for a chat and more info
Still looking!
Currently 1/10M
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Yoo superiority complex is looking for some raiders to round out the mythic team! Current 2/10M with 2%. Best pull on hungering!
Let me know if u are interested
Bnet: a4papier#2833
Discord: a4papier#3255