Hei Guys! A Deathkinght DPS / Balance Druid looking for some Heroic and maybe Mythic action. =D
I´m a former Progress Raider and try to keep my Focus on Mythic + and some Chilled! Raiding…
without that 95% Attendence and 100 Rules for a bit of Heroic Raiding <.<
I´m just done with this kind of People who think they are Method members or DrJay after killing some Bosses on Heroic xD…
so if you are Relaxed Dudes and need some Melee/Ranged DPS in Your Raid
Zakrash - Tarren Mill --> *Unholy Death Knight, Item Level 459, Heart Level 77, Season 3 Mythic+ Score 2073 Season 4 Mythic+ Score 1731, Ny’alotha, the Waking City Progress 2/12 Heroic. (not Activly Raiding atm)
Zakrash - Blackmoore Balance Druid, Item Level 453, Heart Level 76, Season 3 Mythic+ Score 1904 Season 4 Mythic+ Score 227. (not Activly Raiding atm)
(Druid is up rdy to Transfer!)
Feel free to add me for Questions! --> Zakrash#2663.