[h] [draenor] 5 raiders lf mythic guild

We are 5 players who have transferred from Alliance to Horde. We are looking for a mythic guild preferably around 4/8 to progress further with. We are 3/8m experienced with multiple tries on Lady Ashvane.

2 Assassination Rogues:

1 Fury Warrior/Protection

1 BM Hunter

1 Havoc Demon Hunter

Raid days times we can raid
Monday - 20:00 server time - finish
Sunday - 20:00 server time - finish
Thursday - 20:00 server time - finish

Logs are avaliable as is a chat on discord.

Contact Bákut - Famda#2795 BNET
Bakuqt#6763 DISCORD

Hello lads!
I added you on Bnet for a chat! I’m newly promoted to raid leader in the guild Bathwater Vendors who are looking for active raiders to join our mythic roster!
You’re a near perfect match for us, as what we are looking for are DPS and an off-tank!
Unfortunately we’re not the ideal match for you. We raid Wed/Thur from 19-23 and are currently 2/8 on mythic. However, we only just started progressing Mythic about a week ago! We hope you will consider us as your new home :slight_smile:

I’ve added your battletag so we can have a chat.