We are 6 irl friends that are previous expansion semi hardcore raiders and atm are looking for a raiding guild pref 2 days or more, currently we are 4/10 mythic but are struggling to find a stabel home for us to call to. If u know of a good drama free home let us know, we are:
Paladin tank
Good morning Massadh. We are actively looking for a Disc/Holy Priest, Holy Paladin and Fire mage for our 7/10 M progression team. We also run quite a few M+ keys, usually 15’s and higher. We are a mature guild with a CE mindset during raid times, but very casual and family oriented in off hours. If you’re interested, shoot me a message on Discord (Docmanhatan#6118) or Btag (Docmanhatan#1750). Hope to hear from you!
Hello, we are curently looking for couple of people, we are currently 6/10 please whisper me on discord Envo#5522
Yo, what type of guild you looking for, already advanced in Mythic or about to start?
Please do message me, very interested in talking to you some more.
Battlenet: psykick06#2401
Hey there!
Feel free to add me on xKenver#2229
We are a 1010/HC guild that just started mythic this week, getting our first mythic kill first day, also looking to recruit more active members for mythic dungeons!
Look forward to hearing from you ^^
Hey! The Lost Sunstrider is currently 2/10M. We managed a couple of Mythic raids a few weeks back and got 2/10 relatively quickly but many players have since left until 9.1. We are looking to expand our roster for long-term consistent players with the aim of CE in a few tiers time.
Raid Times (currently):
- Thurs 19:00 - 22:00 ST
- Undecided (Likely to be Tuesday) 19:00 - 22:00 ST
Contact (Discord):
- Lemo#9202 (GM, Recruitment Officer, Available most evenings 18:00-23:00 ST)
- Chiknight#1536 (Co-GM, Raid Leader, Available most days 12:00-02:00 ST)
Would love to hear from you.
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