Hello! Always Sunny In Tanaris is the kind of guild that’s caught somewhere in that grey area of being real casual but also loves to do end game content properly and get CE every patch.
What kind of people we’re after
Dedicated and easy going players who want to raid on WEEKENDS. The majority of us are all 25+ with jobs and all that, who still want to fit some mythic raiding and M+ in their schedules and have fun.
What are the requirements
Can you turn up on time with all your raid consumables, suitable talents, follow tactics whilst having fun? Yes? Welcome a board! Bet you wish all your job interviews were that easy.
What we don’t care about
We seriously don’t pay attention to the meta, which alts/specs you got, RIO or how active you are outside of the raid. We just want you to play the class/spec you love and see you play it well.
Here’s our priority list
We’re always happy to have a few more players that enjoying filling in multiple specs
Tanks: Full - happy to get somebody who might offspec tank if needed.
Healers: Paladins, Priests, Monks
Range dps: Mage, Warlock, Druid, Priest, Hunter
Melee dps: Warrior, Monk, Rogue
Other details
Raid times: Saturday and Sunday 5pm - 8pm realm time
It’s an English speaking guild, but we’re real international.
We have players who are interested in running high keys and have helped many of our members get the KSM achievement.
If you’re interested, please contact:
BattleNet: OMEGAKAR#1744
Discord: Fadious#8796
And here’s an invite link to our discord to speed things up! (mind that space not allowed to post links)
h ttps://discord.gg/TKPCGWGApn