[H] [Draenor] <Always Sunny in Tanaris> Weekend Raiding

Always Sunny in Tanaris is a new Shadowlands formed guild. We’re a casual weekend raiding guild that is aiming for CE or as close to it as we can get while enjoying the game.

Current Progress 10/10 H 2/10 M

Raid Times : Saturday / Sunday 5pm - 8pm Server Time

What you can expect from us: An enjoyable raid atmosphere, consistent raids on weekends, ad-hoc RBG’s and other PVP activities, active M+ Scene

What we expect from you: Understand this is a casual approach to raiding, Play what you enjoy and enjoy what you play… we rather you play a class you have fun with rather than a meta class you dont, be attentive to the calendar we are casual and we do not enforce attendance but if you cant make it please mark so we can plan ahead.

What we’re looking for Currently

  1. Tanks : We currently have a stable MT and OT however we welcome folks that would like to join for other activities

  2. Ranged: We’re currently full on DPS but welcome folks that would like to join for other activities or be back ups

  3. Melee We’re currently full on DPS but welcome folks that would like to join for other activities or be back ups

  4. Healers
    Resto Shaman

Please feel free to reach out to ask any questions or post here.

Blizzard OmegaKar#1744
Discord Fadious#8796

Hope to hear from you… also we really like Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia

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Hey everyone!

We are still looking around for players

we are now 4/10 mythic
and are we still looking around for players