Hey all.
I’m looking for a Guild that raids during the late evening.
Work makes it difficult to fit the average 19:30 start times.
Looking for something around 23:00 realm time.
I main balance currently but have previous experience as a Resto Druid.
Feel free to whisper me in-game.
Night Vision @ Silvermoon [A] - Late night raiding guild (23-02 ST).
More Info
Hi Leafy,
RX raids 3 days a week Thur/Sat/Sun from 22:00 - 00:00 Not sure if that will work for your 23:00 time listed or not.
We are currently 11/12 HC and gearing up for some Mythic, We are in need a some good ranged DPS.
Take a look at our recruitment post for a little more info: [draenor - horde] - <<<rx>>> late night raiding guild 11/12 hc rdps for Mythic
Or feel free to DM me on Discord or add me to Bnet Axel#2566

00:00 - 02:00 ST [H] Midnight Asylum EU Draenor
We are currently a newly formed guild filled with people who are only able to raid at the most annoying time possible LATE NIGHT , our raid leader is currently 12/12 HC 1/12 Mythic with knowledge on all fights.
We currently are recruiting for everything and anything but our core is starting to take shape, below I will give a list of classes that we would prefer but all classes are welcome to apply, with the guild only being one week old we have currently cleared 9/12 HC and hoping for a full clear this week and moving accordingly to mythic.!
Raid Days:
Wednesday 00:00 - 02:00 ST
Thursday 00:00 - 02:00 ST
(Possibility of adding a 3rd day in the future)
Specific classes/roles we are looking for are:
Disc/Holy Priest
Shadow Priest
It’s worth adding that although we currently have three tanks two are people who would prefer to DPS - Any tanks that are interested in joining please make sure to contact us so we can see if you would be a right fit.
Please contact if interested;
Raid Leader - Gahzdh @ Gahzranka2986
GM - Miyyagi @ Agato#21315
Officer - Nevercare @ Nevercare#2900
Officer - Zontovolo @ Zontovol0#1145