[H] [Draenor] Executed recruiting for TWW

Hello we at Executed are building a new raid team to clear HC and start mythic progression.

Our goal this tier is to clear the awakened heroic raids and build a strong core so that next raid tier we can get a good start and push far into mythic progression.

We raid Thursday and sunday 21:00-23:30st
With invites going out at 20:50 so we start pulling on time or before.

We expect everyone to turn up to raids well prepared with flask/food and fully gemmed and enchanted ect and to be on discord (muted is fine)

We also enjoy doing a lot of keys

Main goal is to clear content at a decent pace have a laugh while doing so and make some friends along the way.

We are recruiting
1 tanks
Any dps

If this sounds good to you either message on this post or message me on discord john3141a

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still looking to add more members to the team

Full on tanks now looking for healers and any dps

looking to add more members still with a focus on The war within now tank spots are open again

hiya i’m interested could we maybe message this is my battle net is Ainsley#21594 and my discord is ainzlayvk

Iv added you on discord :slight_smile:

still looking to add 1 tank and some more dps and healers

Heya, added you on discord (Viarlise)

Would be interested in the tank spot

we are full on tanks now still looking for more healers and dps

still looking to add more dps and healers, if you are interested message me on discord john3141a

recruiting dps and a couple more healers. Anyone looking for 1 day a week mythic raiding get in touch

still looking for more dps and also a monk and evoker healer

We have decided to go to a 2 day a week raid schedule now, still recruiting 1 tank and healers and dps

full on tanks now recruiting most dps classes and monk/druid/priest healer

Looking for a tank not dk or monk

still looking to add 1 tank healers and dps

recruiting a tank, pala,monk or priest healer and dps with warlock warrior shadow priest
high prio

Hi, demo lock here currently looking for a guild.

looking for a warrior and ranged dps and also a priest or pala healer the team is filling up nicely

still looking to add ranged dps and a priest or paladin healer