Hello guys!
I’m relatively new to the game, I’ve been grinding several types of content, specially M+. I’m looking for a social guild, capable of providing a good environment, since it’s been kinda hard to get into an active and helpful community in the game.
I’m also commited to help providing the environment I seek for!
Thank you 
Disc: Diogo Afonso#4937
Batl: Dafonso24#2852
Hello there!
I was just wondering, would realm/faction transfer, or re-rolling be a consideration for you?
If so, we at Ministry of Silly Wipes would love you have you with us!
We’re a fairly new guild, but quite social, and particularly committed to trying to help new members/players where they need it! Whether it’s levelling/gearing, running old content for mounts, achievements, or transmog; PvPing; or running Mythic+ keys.
We try and make sure we include everyone in activities as much as we can do.
We also are looking to begin raiding from this weekend, if that’s of interest to you =)
Give us a look over, and if we sound like what you’re after, feel free to add me for a chat!
Discord: xWestie#9361
Bnet: Westie#2496