[H] Draenor -> Havoc DH LF Guild

Hey everyone,

I am Vasil from Bulgaria, 30 years old and I play on Draenor as a Havoc DH.

I’ve played a lot of TBC, then again in WoD and then Legion until ToV.

I’ve raided a lot of mythic (all above), I’ve never done any world firsts but I’d say I am a descent player. All together I have a lot of experience in WoW but with a couple of breaks, because I become obsessed with the game and end up stopping the game all together.

I’ve now restarted in BFA with that DH, current item level is 427, I’ve done some M+ but not any raids.

I’d like to join a guild with relaxed people, who understand the issue of having less time to play WoW, hence the toxicity and try harding is not on my agenda any more. I can do some M+ and maybe raid once a week, or even bench for someone when there is need and I am online. I love helping out others with legacy raids / achievements / you name it, if I am online I am probably up for it.

I usually play around 10-20 hours a week, most of it focused on evenings and during the day maybe over the weekend.

As other games I am really passionate Hearthstone player, I try to reach legend on every expansion and maybe some months other than that. Been playing that game for 4-5 years now, almost since launch.

My ID is Sensational#21988, feel free to add me.

Have a nice day and thank you for reading!

hey i have sent you a bnet request to have a chat