[H] [Draenor] LF small sized guild

I want to join a guild with small amount of members, as i don’t have much experience in raiding in high difficulties, and willing to take me in

Hi, you would be welcome to join Lucid. We currently have approx. 40 members (who have quite a few alts) We are a new guild looking to build a non-toxic group who play together and have fun. We are currently clearing normal and may start heroic soon.
My Bnet is MarkBurnell#2927 and Duscord is markh1511 if you would like to have a chat

Interested, lets do it

Hi, we would be a perfect fit for you we are currently recruiting all roles and skills for our raid team, we have finished progression on HC and are taking it easy till next patch check us out

Victory or Debt - 8/8 hc 3/8mythic

We’re an English speaking guild with European members - we try not to take ourselves too seriously and have the primary goal of getting AOTC each major content patch.

We have a wide range of players in the guild from hardcore raiders, mythic plus pushers to mount farmers and social gamers.

Currently recruiting DPS for our main raid team but all roles welcome.

Raid Wednesdays from 7-11 pm GMT.

Raiderio - Victory or Debt - Thunderhorn

Discord- fANaND8T

Bnet - Hazent #2237

Hey man! Check us out! We might be something you are interested in :smiley: AOTC /M+ / Casual MYTHIC rading guild recruiting! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

Hi there :slight_smile: ,

Have a look at our guild, we might just be the perfect fit for you!