[H] [Draenor] Looking for guild to get into a social atmosphere and try my hand at some Mythic +

Hey, UK based player looking for a guild community to be social and learn M+ of which i’ve never done any so have no experience.

Looking for a relaxing atmosphere where i can chat and learn, never been in a guild have always tended to be a solo player but want to change this, I main a BM Hunter recently returned the past month and staying long term as the next expansions really entice me so cannot wait for that.

I will be leveling other characters also so I wont be hard stuck as a BM Hunter.
Druid is next to level and I currently have a 70 Rogue as well but honestly I don’t enjoy playing it.

Not looking to server swap.

Good afternoon

Fellow Lincolnshire based player here! Add me on Discord “Fhub” would be happy to chat and possibly give you a home ingame!


Our guild is Draenor based and may suit you. Happy to have a chat on discord if you want to know a bit more and see if we’re a fit for you - ellie7765