(H) Draenor New/Returning looking for a guild to raid and M+

Ive just got back into WOW since the start of BFA and now looking for a guild to raid and do M+ with, tbh im new when it comes to raidding.
Warlock (407ish ilevel)
ScoobsK#1481 (Battle swag)

Scavengers is a new Guild founded to give people a home that want to clear the heroic content with fun.
It’s more a casual Guild but after clearing the heroic content we will be trying ourselfs on Mythic.

What am I looking for? People with a laidback attitude and people who know their classes and stay focused to reach the goal of getting the best of every raid tier!
Also a little stupidtalk and moraly grey jokes should be normal for you, when we’re no progressing in raids :P!

Do you want to do Mythic + Dungeons? Go for it! I’m also pretty Mythic Plus focused and I want to run the Keys with my Guildies!

Upcoming Raiding Nights:

Thursday 20:30 - 23:00
Sunday 20:30 - 23:00


add me on Battlenet: notyourfault#21908
Voice during Raids: discord

u declined me mate lol

i did not not when ?


If you’re more about community than hardcore progress than Strange Loop might suit you :smile:
We started as a reroll guild so you would not be the only member in our ranks new to raiding. We have only just started raids in the last 2 weeks, but we were happy to kill 4/8 norm on our first day in EP. Due to our focus on community, we only plan to raid Saturdays, 2100 gametime for two hours.

M+ we have groups running most days, either afternoons or evenings/late night, so you’ll probably find runs to suit your hours :sweat_smile: There’s also set events for M+ Monday and Tuesday nights for pushing keys and ensuring all who want a chest have one before reset.

If that sounds suitable to you or you got questions for me, hit up on Violencia in game or add my bnet #Desiderata2592

Who are we?

Scavengers is a (8/8 HC) Guild that was just about to transition into mythic when we lost most of our members to burning out now some of us are back from our break and looking forward to build a team for mythic TEP and a team for future content.


Scavengers has an active discord where people do content outside of the raids and play other games together as a community.

How is it during raids?

We like to banter and meme, but we are more serious during boss fights to get the things done.

When do we raid?

We raid Thyrs & Sun from 20:30 to 23:00 server time (CET).

We are looking mostly for specific classes. These classes are listed below. But any class/spec application is still welcome, as officers will look at the application none the less.
We do accept socials and alts, to also join in on alt runs and have a good time!

Death Knight *[DPS: High
Demon Hunter [DPS: Closed | Tank: Closed]
Druid [DPS: High | Tank: closed | Healer: High]
Hunter [DPS: High]
Mage [DPS: High]
Monk [DPS: High | Tank: Closed | Healer: open]
Paladin [DPS: High | Tank: closed| Healer: open]
Priest [DPS: Medium | Healer: open]
Rogue [DPS: high]
Shaman [DPS: Medium | Healer: open]
Warlock [DPS: High]
Warrior [DPS: High | Tank: closed

Interested? Whisper Jahychan or Fhiala in Game!
Or add me on Battlenet: notyourfault#21908

Cohors Vuluae is a newly formed guild of mythic raiders looking to experience the most challenging aspects of wow. We aim to create a fair and motivating environment for progress.

We have recently moved from Alliance on outlands to Horde on Draenor, Currently we are looking to recruit dps to join our ranks and our raid team to start mythic EP, as well as preparing for Ny’alotha

We expect all members that join to be able to use voice chat and have some understanding of their role/class, but we are always happy to help people that are in need.

so if you want to join a guild of chill Vuluae’s, have a sense of humour & aged 20+ drop a message in game or on discord.

pogodamonkey#2210 [battle.net]
pogodamonkey#8073 [discord]