Hi all,
What I offer:
-Main: Disc Priest. Although I am also happy to play Shadow.
-Multiclass: Also have some HC ready alts and I am happy to play different roles.
-Experience: 10/10 HC 2/10 M.
-Active player that likes to do M+s and PvP with guildies.
-Growth mentality: I will study my class, look at logs and try to do better on every pull.
-Attendance: I will make it 99% of days and be there 15 min early.
What I am looking for:
-2/3 day raiding guild that is trying to achieve CE
-Active guild outside of raiding times. I like doing Arenas and M+ but I don’t like pugging, so I would like a place that is active and tries to do things as a team.
-Progress mentality. I am not obsessed with ranks. But would like a group of people that wants to improve and beat the raid at a reasonable pace.
-Mature atmosphere. I am a 28-year-old professional and I am looking for likeminded people.
Why I am changing guilds:
My raiding team seems to be a bit more casual than what I was aiming for. They are great people and it’s been nice to play with them but I would like to step up my game.
My current guild is not that active outside raid time, so I would like to find a place to do more Arenas/M+ with guildies.
If you are interested give me your and I will reach out for a chat.
We are currently looking for a disc priest and would welcome to opportunity to talk more.
Please have a check of our post and let us know if it interests you.
Kind regards,
Hi mate,
Pulse Gaming are a guild located on Stormscale Horde currently 10/10 heroic/2/10M looking for a disc priest to add to the healing team, if you’re interested hit me up on WalkingDead#1179 and we can have a chat.
Hi both,
Thank you for the answers.
@Boodika, sorry at the moment I want to see if I join something a bit more stablished with a bit more progressed.
@Wrathzz, sorry at the time I am not interested in realm transfer.
Good luck to both with recruiting.
Add me for a chat trasherke#2226
Appreciate the reply.
Good luck in finding a guild.
Still looking for a guild!
Hey man. Just checking if daytime raiding might be something that could suit you? We’re on the hunt for a disc priest. We raid Wednesday/Thursday 12.45-1600ST. Current prog is 2/10 mythic. We’re previous CE in BOD and NYA. Our community has been around for 3 years so we’re a good bunch of mates looking to achieve big things this expansion. The guild is incredibly active outside of raid times, with members doing high M+, RBGs and arenas. DM me on discord if it’s something that would interest you man. Look forward to hearing from you.
Kikonez#4125 Peace ![:v: :v:](
Hey buddy, If you’re interested in progressing Mythic and don’t mind server transfer then our guild is currently looking for a disc priest. Information can be found here ([H][Kazzak] <Inmates> 9/10M Recruiting DPS)
We are 6/10M currently and raid 3 nights a week. Add me on Battlenet if interested - Cyndicate#21825
Found something already Thanks