Hello all! I am a returning player looking a friendly guild so experience the back end of BFA and all the new content Shadowlands has to offer.
I’m currently level a Blood DK and am really enjoying tanking dungeons, currently I’m only level 82 on the DK so I won’t be raiding for a little while! I have a couple other character and would be willing to swap roles if needed for a nice guild.
Due to real life being fairly busy I don’t have the same time as I used to have to play the game but I’m usually only at least 4 times a week which is a nice balance for me.
Please feel free to ask me any questions, really I’m just looking for a smallish guild where I can (hopefully) tank and meet some cool people along the way.
Thanks for taking the time to read the post guys!
Just realised I was on my old shaman
this is my DK if anyone was wondering!
Hi there!
Our guild on Draenor may be something to suit what you are looking for. Our post on the realm forum gives a little more info about is if you want to check us out: Perfidy - Draenor.
We are community focused, and get that real life happens and that people can’t dedicate every day of the week necessarily to WoW. We would be happy to speak to you further, either ingame, battle.net or on discord if this sounds like the type of guild you are looking for.
Hi Mugspiller,
I know this is an old post, but if you’re still looking, I think our guild Strange Loop ([H] - Draenor) would be a good fit for you
we’re a group of older players, most active in the evenings. We raid Saturday 21:00-23:00ST. We do not have tank spots available for raids unfortunately - but we can always use more tanks for M+!
If this sounds right for you, feel free to message me on bnet (Syngian#2541) or Discord (Syngian#0781) and we can chat.