209 Ilvl Unholy DK looking for a heroic raiding guild. Raided Heroic and did a few bosses mythic in legion before work commitments stopped me from raiding. Looking to get back to some raids and would like to clear HC and a few mythic bosses each tier.
Looking for no more than two raid nights a week (ideally one). Can only do Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Would also like to do plenty of M+, I mostly play during the day.
Would ideally like to stay on Draenor and Horde but may be willing to switch if the guild suits well.
I understand that you’re horde currently and on another server, but if you would like to discuss further with myself, I believe our guild could be a good fit for what you’re currently looking for:
Please message me further if you’d like to have a conversation about anything, you can find me in-game on: wilsonnxo#2881