[H] [Drak’thul/BurningBlade-EU] <with Blood and Honor> social, casual PVP guild, low lvl and noob friendly, czech and slovak speaking

(English down below :point_down:t2:)

Ahojte spolubojovníci :boxing_glove:,

hľadáme nové tváre do našej guildy (Horda/Drak’thul+Burning Blade-EU).

Sme partia ľudí, ktorá spolu funguje zhruba od konca Legionu. Hľadáme medzi seba ľudí so zmyslom pre humor, ktorí sa k nám pridajú na pokec popri hraní wowka a časom zapadnú aj do “jadra”. Sme guilda, zameraná na PvP, socializáciu, guild eventy, guild lore… Žiadny try hard. :v:t2:

Čo ponúkame :heart::

:person_cartwheeling:t2: guild eventy rôzneho druhu (PVP eventy, náš súkromný “gambling” event, rôzne hry, achievy, súťaže…)

:crossed_swords: bgčka, random aj rated

:beers: zrazy (vychádza nám to 2-3x ročne),

:camping: letnú guild stanovačku (na striedačku raz v Čechách, raz na Slovensku) s malým “larp” eventom

:man_mage:t3: možnosť časom sa pridať k nám na hranie dnd (wow kampaň, aj klasické dnd one-shoty - sme veční začiatočníci :))

:carousel_horse: podľa chuti aj starý content na achievy, alebo mountov

:european_castle: občas nejaký ten dungeon for fun

:scroll: guild lore :open_book:

:speech_balloon: vlastný discord je samozrejmosťou a máme aj web

Čo naopak neplánujeme :broken_heart::

:1st_place_medal: pushovanie M+

:2nd_place_medal: raidy

:3rd_place_medal: HC hranie

Od teba by sme chceli, aby si bol komunikatívny a trochu spoľahlivý. Ide nám skôr o vytvorenie dobrej partie/komunity s podobnými záujmami, než o push ratingu. Na levely nezáleží, vítaní sú aj expiaci hráči, ak sa budú aktívne zapájať do diania v guilde. Nájde u nás miesto každý, kto má záujem popri hraní aj pokecať a stretávať sa so svojimi spolubojovníkmi z guildy aj IRL pri rôznych aktivitách (pivko, stolné hry, dnd a iné vylomeniny :wink: ).

V prípade otázok alebo záujmu napíš in game na nick Sanchielle, Abrahamovic, Zilfim, Nathgar, Liriah, Inoxlia, alebo použi guild finder, možno hľadáme práve teba. :blush:

Hi there comrades🥊,

We are looking for new faces for our guild (Horde/Drak’thul+Burning Blade EU). Czech and Slovak speaking preferred. :see_no_evil:

We are a bunch of people who have been playin’ together since the end of the Legion. We are looking for people with a sense of humor who will join us to chat alongside playing wow. And maybe over time they’ll fit into the “core”. :blush:
We are a community guild, focused on PvP socialization, Guild events and Guild Lore. No Try Hard. :v:t2:

What we offer :heart::

:person_cartwheeling:t2: Various guild events (PVP events, our private gambling event, various games, achieves, competitions …)

:crossed_swords: BGs (random / rated)

:beers: Guild meetings IRL (2-3 times during the year)

:camping: Summer guild camping (one year in the Czech Republic, the other in Slovakia, to take turns) with a small “larp” game

:man_mage:t3: Over time the possibility to join us to play D&D (Wow campaign, also classic D&D One-Shots - we are forever beginners :))

:carousel_horse: Casually old content for Achieves or Mounts

:european_castle: Occasionally some of dungeons for fun

:scroll: Guild lore :open_book:

:speech_balloon: Guild discord is a matter of course and we also have our own web

What we don’t offer :broken_heart::

:1st_place_medal: Pushing M+

:2nd_place_medal: Raids

:3rd_place_medal: HC playing

We would like you to be communicative and a little reliable. It is more about creating a good community and friendship with people with similar interests than about pushing ratings. The level doesn’t matter. Low lvl players are also welcome if they will be actively participating in the Guild activities.

There is a place for anyone who is interested in playing together, having fun and meeting their fellow players from Guild IRL at various occasions (beer, tabletop games, DnD and other shenanigans :wink: ).

In case of questions or interest, contact players Sanchielle, Abrahamovic, Zilfim, Nathgar, Liriah, Inoxlia, Alcaross, in game, or use guild finder in game. Maybe we are looking exactly for you… :blush:

Currently, we are looking for people for rated bgs group. Dps, heal, tank, all of them are welcomed. No min rating needed, we are begginers friendly.

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We are recruiting again. :muscle: Currently we are looking for healers and tank, for rated battlegrounds. No min rating needed, only enthusiasm and will to learn. We need you to have discord and to be able to communicate. Have fun. :heart:

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