Good day all,
as the titel says I am Looking for a raiding Guild.
I have the following to offer
397 Shammy (ele/resto)
400 Pally (Holy)
I would like to push my Mythic + more aswel… only started this recently, my Focus has always been on raiding.
I can do a realm Transfer no Problems.
Ideal raiding time 1930 to 2300. IM active almost every day.
im 9/9 HC 1/9 Mythic BoD
2/2 CoS normal
We are a guild on Stormscale called benched.
Looking for 1 healer and ranged DPS to bolster our roster. Sitting at around 15 active raiders right now.
Tanks are now full so no longer accepting any main tanks but happy to speak with melee DPS who have a tank off spec.
Melee DPS in general are also welcome.
Add Riddesu#2266 or me Mods#2952
Tried adding you on battle net but it couldnt find you?
Hey Holysmudge,
We’re a raiding guild situated on the server ‘Dragonmaw’ - horde and currently looking for more raiders to join our team. We could still use both the classes you mentioned above, shaman slightly more but really, either would work.
More about us:
We got a rather chill raiding team. We do everything in our own pace and play to have a nice time. Our main aim is to clear heroic and when that is 100% on farm, we go for mythic, currently sitting at 2/9M.
We raid on wednesday and sunday from 20.00 till 23.00ST.
Besides raiding, we got the usual m+ spamming going on and other ‘usual’ social things: alt runs, tmog runs, achi’s,…
All these things are mostly happening during evenings and weekends as most of our members have daytime jobs.
You can check out our guildvid:
If this sounds like what you are looking for, feel free to add my Btag for a chat: xarial#2863
Or over discord: Xarial#9250
Kind regards,
Hello there! This is my recruitment: [H-DRAENOR] DHX - 2/2H 3/9M - HEROIC AND MYTHIC RAIDING
We raid 2/3 days a week depending on need, starting in heroic and working our way through mythic each tier. We are a social bunch of loot hos, who live on discord and love mythic plus.
Best to read the post and if it interests you give me an add on battletag LAORII#2787, or one of the other officers listed in the post. Cheeeeeeers!! 
++(H)Lást Rites - Late night raid guild - Kazzak++
Lást Rites is a guild with focus on pve endgame in our own time, but mythic+ and arenas are also often run by the members on daily basis
as we are a community of friends/family/gamers first who play the game for fun!.
We raid on a very family friendly schedule:
Wednesday - 22.00 - 00.30 Cet
Thursday- 22.00 - 00.30 Cet
Tuesday. optional Alt/Nm/Hc - 22.00 - 00.30 Cet
++As of right now our progress is:++
Heroic COS 1/2
Heroic BOD 9/9
Mythic BOD 1/9
Heroic Uldir 8/8
Mythic Uldir 2/8
We are now recruiting to fill up our roster for our Heroic team, and to begin planing our Mythic Team Once More!. Therefore we need you!
Tank - Closed - Open For Mythic +
Melee - Shammy - Wind Walker Monk
Ranged - Warlock - Shadow Priest - Boomkin - Shammy
Healer - resto shammy
If accepted into the guild, your trial period will last 3 weeks (6 raids) so that both you and the guild can feel if we are a good match.If this seems interesting for you to be a part of, don’t hesitate to contact us in game or on discord:
ShaunStewart#2220 - Guild Master/Raid Leader/Community Manager.
Windy86#2593 -Guild Affairs /Recruitment/Community Assistant. larryfield#4235 - Council/Raid Assist/Community Assistant.
Magica#2865 - Healing Officer/Council/
Deckhead#2482 - Guild Assist/Recruiment/Council.
Hope to see you in game!.
Kind Regards, Last Rites Team!
HI i added you 
*2/2 HC
Battle of Dazar’alor:
Raid Days (Servertime):
- Wednesday, 20:00-23:00
- Sunday, 20:00-23:00
Is a raiding guild, consisting of old and new players, We came from the guild Gits , that have a history all the way back to vanilla. and have always got AHOC .
What is the goal:
Our goal is to do regular mythic raiding with a group of like minded individuals.
The ambition is to clear the content while it is current, but the mindset we have is that we go as far as we can, as long as we’re having fun while doing it.
This means that even if we don’t clear everything, at least we’ll have had a blast trying and knowing that we did our hardest to get where we are. And that is good enough for us!
What do we expect:
We expect our raiders to always bring their A-game to raids.
People can have off-days, and that is alright. Just as well as people can have Real Life emergencies, which obviously wont be a problem either
for more infos contact me:
Btag: c0re#2104
Discord(prefered): jaycore#8306