[H] Embers - Ragnaros recruiting for casual Mythic Raid (CE Goal)

To whom it may concern,

we, Embers on Ragnaros, are looking to recruit around 15-20 people in preparation for our mythic raid.

As it currently stands, we’re N 8/8, HC 7/8 and will start to set foot into mythic in two weeks. Our roster is only 10 people strong, with a core of seven raiders having high attendance across all raid days. We rely on pugging during some weeks. As we get older, priorities change, and before you know it, you’re short on people for a raid day.
We want to change that.

We raided Mythic before in BFA (Ny’alotha M 10/12), following it up in Shadowlands with Castle Nathria (M 6/10) where we had to stop progressing due to multiple people dropping out and losing interest and facing a huge wall with Council.

Some of us continued playing during Dragonflight while some returned with The War Within.

We’re raiding on Fridays and Sundays starting at 8pm until 10.30pm (server time) and doing Mythic+ and Delves several days besides that.

You can apply or talk to us ingame with /who Embers or whispering one of the following officers:

  • Moó (Guildmaster)
  • Birkett
  • Lildwagon
  • Lukki
  • Razator

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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