[H][EU][Doomhammer-Turalyon] <We Raid For Cookies> 5/9 HC LFM for casual HC progress Thur/Sun 20:30-23:00

We Raid for Cookies

Currently recruiting:

Tanks: Offspec, or if good off-tank
Melee dps: Melee full, except demon hunter or windwalker monk
Ranged dps: all classes accepted

Who we are:

We are a casual raiding guild aiming to get curve in a timely fashion each tier. Our core group of raiders have played together for several expansions. Family style guild, social and just enjoying the game in all its aspects. We also do Mythic+ keystones together.

Who we are looking for?

We are looking for those who want to learn and progress at a slower rate, people interested in building a fun and relaxed raid team and progressing together while laughing at our mistakes and learning what we all bring to the team. We are not hardcore and are building on the family style Guild mentality but want to progress in BFA, do mythic+ and generally relax while seeing as much of the expansion as possible.

Current Progress BoD:

9/9 Normal
5/9 Heroic

Raid Times:

We Raid Thursdays and Sundays 20:30-23:00 Server Time.

I hope there are people out there who want to join us in this endeavour and feel free to contact one of our officer PT (hvalspekk#2689).

Thanks for reading.

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