[H] EU-Hydraxian Waterlords | Classic Era | Gift of Taretha project recruiting!

Hey everyone,

Gift of Taretha represents an ever-growing group of classic WoW enthusiasts residing on the Hydraxian Waterlords (EU-RP-PVE) classic era server, horde side. We are on the mission to find and welcome new and experienced players, both maximum level, and fresh characters into our community. Special shout out to players who would like to join our raiding team.

This project began in 2021!

Even if most of us are quite experienced with multiple versions of this game, for most of our characters the story began at the launch of the classic era servers. In roughly two and a half years we were lucky enough to attract some of the kindest, most reliable, helpful, and knowledgeable people I have ever met in my long history of playing this game. Furthermore, playing on a low populated server has not been an issue for us, rather it has helped us create a tight-knit community who support each other to achieve shared goals.

Our guild philosophy is based on three principles.

  • Building up a strong community of classic WoW enthusiasts. If you are passionate about this version of the game, if you realize that this is a place where we come for relaxation and stress-relief and if you are on top of that kind and inclusive person, we might be a perfect fit for you.
  • Doing all PvE content this game has to offer. We have a healthy mix of very experienced and new raiders. We are currently progressing through the AQ40 with Cthun as the next target, as well as preparing for entering into Naxx. The continuation of our progress depends on adding a few reliable individuals into our raiding team. We currently raid two days per week with one main raid night and one progress/backup/casual raid night.
  • Advocating for a healthy gaming approach. One of the unique selling points of forever classic realms is that your progress will never get invalidated. This means there is no real reason to burn out by pushing in game activities more than your time allows. Play a lot, but do it because you can, not because you need to. Having a balanced RL is what allows most of us to stay committed to this project for so long.

Who do we want to recruit?

We are interested in both new and experienced players. We want to attract both maximum level, and fresh characters. We are specifically looking for players interested in group activities.

  • If you are new to this version of the game, there is no better way to get integrated into our community than by starting your fresh journey with us.
  • If you are already 60 and would like to join our raiding team, feel free to reach out. We welcome all raiding specs, with a slight preference for people who enjoy the healing role.

To conclude

Maybe you want to experience classic as it once was, maybe you never played on the red side, maybe you never cleared all raids in 40-person format or maybe you are an altocholic- it does not matter: If you think our philosophy is something you can identify yourself with, please reach out to us, either in game or on our discord


Thank you and kind regards from Gift of Taretha

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I have been with Gift of Taretha for a little over a year, I think, and it’s the best guild community I have experienced. We have found how to create our own economy on a low pop server and made the server our own. The raid team is skilled, and we have chopped through the raids up to AQ40, sometimes killing bosses with numbers that would be considered insane - making the raids a really fun challenge once more.

Now we are looking to complete AQ40 and to retake Naxxramas, and we need just a few more good people we can count on. Come join us. This is how Azeroth was meant to be experienced and this guild is an amazing community to experience it with.

I can echo this, both Gift and Hydraxian Waterlords are quite special. I have played alot on the pvp and pve clusters, and personally I find the meta of gold buying, botting and farming to be far from a nice vanilla experience, you’ll find none of it on HW. While HW is small, the atmosphere is great and the progress feels real. In a sense, it is as close to a fresh server as possible.

I joined Gift over a year ago and with them I found a very kind and helpful community. A different experience from other clusters, relaxed, yet still progressing. If you are looking for a non stressful gaming environment, but still enjoy content… this is the place to be! :slight_smile:

A little over two years ago I was kind of hopping around on Classic Era servers looking for somewhere to settle. Nothing immediately caught my attention so I ventured to the forums to scour through all the posts of guilds recruiting. Having been an avid enjoyer of the RP-realms and played previously on Zandalar Tribe before Classic TBC dropped, I was more drawn towards trying to find that comfy “you’re at home” feeling the roleplaying community always had been giving me.

Nothing really scratched “the itch” as Classic Era does for me, and after realizing that almost all guilds had moved on to Classic TBC, I felt defeated. However, I stumbled upon a post made by Gift of Taretha and it sparked a small glimmer of hope. Jumping at the chance to find likeminded people, I could not be happier about making the decision to make my home here on Hydraxian Waterlords together with GoT.

It is truly a place most aptly described as an oasis in the desert, a jewel that stands out to the rest. We cultivate a great sense of camaraderie and strive everyday to make sure whoever finds their way to us feels included. So don’t wait around, take the plunge and come join us. :blush:

Amazing to see so many new folks join our epic adventure on Hydraxian Waterlords, so excited for the raids we will have in the coming months. This guild is a unique community that really feels like home.