[H][EU][Ragnaros] <Aftershock> a New PvE / PvP Guild - looking for new members to establish a core raid group!

Aftershock(18+) is a brand new guild aimed towards PvE and some PvP.
Current goal is to recruit members and get a core raid group ready, get curve from every tier and after that Mythic progression.
We’re looking for every spec and every class at the moment, We only have 1 Tank, 1 Healer and 1 DPS so far.

We don’t require you to have any prior raid experience, main point is to have fun, but you should have motivation to learn tactics and your class/spec and time to raid for a few hours few days a week.
We haven’t decided a schedule for raiding yet, since we don’t have that many members yet, but 2-3 days a week, 3-4 hours each would be the goal.

We’re also interested in doing some M+ and PvP, arrange some RBGs if possible.
with M+, the aim is run +15 every week for those who wants to, but there are people who wanna push more.

We also accept socials so, everybody is welcome!

More info and invitations in-game by whisper:
Cloudsong#21875 / Cloudsbane-Ragnaros[H]
or by Discord: Cloud#7053