Hi there and thanks for reading, I’ll try and keep it short
I am a 222 fire mage looking for a mythic raiding guild. I am currently 222 ilvl and 3/10M. I also have experience on Sun King and Inerva but due to work I couldn’t be there to land the kills.
I do my research for boss encounters and my class and always make sure I get my weeklies in to not fall behind on potential gear upgrades.
Due to work I can keep a maximum of 75% attendance which basically means that if the guild raids 2 days a week, WED and SUN that I can attend every sunday, but only every other wednesday.
I’m a down to earth adult with a sense of humor so I’m always down for banter when the situation allows it.
Ideally I’d stay horde but for the right offer, I will consider faction changing.
Server transfer isn’t an issue either.
If anything sounds good, feel free to message me and I’ll get back to you. Thanks
Core Elite - Tarren Mill are currently looking for dps to bolster our Mythic roster.
We are 3/10M and close to a kill on Sun King.
Our raid days are Wed & Sun 19:45st- 23:00st.
Your attendance would not be an issue for us as we usually do farm on Wed and progression on Sundays.
We promote a non toxic atmosphere with PvP and M+ additionally throughout the week.
If this is something you’d be interested in, add me for a chat on alpha#2296
hey mate, Tasty Intentions is a guild on the Dragonmaw-Stormreaver etc server cluster who is going for mythic progression (we are 3/10 atm, but hopefully 4 or even 5/10 next lockout). We raid Thursday/Sunday evenings. If you are looking for a laid-back, absolutely non-toxic, friendly environment that nonetheless focuses very much on progression and quality raids then lets have a talk on discord my discord ID is: Zordan#2414
The Obsidian Order on Aggramar (5/10M) are currently looking to add dps to our roster I have attached our info below, if this interests you contact me on
Bnet Rosca#2301
Discord Rosca#4941
If not good luck on your search for a suitable guild