[H] <Ferus> Recruiting

<Ferus> has been around since the early days of Scarshield Legion, and now we have returned to make a new home on Zandalar Tribe. But since many of our members have gone missing over the years, we, and a few of those we have picked up over the years, now need additional recruits to help us take the fight to elemental lords, dragons, trolls, insects, and the undead. And quite possibly some others as well.

We’re currently recruiting pretty much anything, assuming they can convince us we want to play with them. Being an old guild, so are most of our members, so while it is not strictly required, being 30+ years of age may help with fitting in.

The current guildmaster has led the guild, as well as raids, since early Cataclysm, into early BfA, hopefully learning something in the process. No promises are made, however.

We don’t particularly fit into either the hardcore nor casual niches, but are rather something inbetween. That said, we offer a mostly laid back raiding experience, though we do expect people to show up on time and to be prepared.

We have not yet decided on a raiding schedule, but typically we’ve tended to raid 1-3 times per week (depending on where we are in progress), at about 20-23 realm time, with a 15-minute break somewhere around the middle. We tend to be very strict regarding the end time. Exceptions happen, but are extremely rare. Quite possibly less than once per expansion on average rare.

You might also be able to find more information there, additionally you could catch one of our members online and try to drag knowledge out of them.

We require any trialists to post an application on our forum, but as it turns out, posting links is not allowed here, so it would appear you will have to ask one of our members for that as well.