Hi there! I’m looking for a new guild 2-3 days raiding.
Currently I’m 203 ilvl, doing my mythic+ every week.
I’m 10/10 normal and 2/10 HC helping a friends casual guild progress.
I’ve had a lot of raiding experience over the years ranging from world 400-1000 guilds. Can show logs from previous expansions and current.
I’m also very versatile able to play several classes if ever needed to reroll for a specific reason, I study up on the raids and theorycraft in my spare time.
Let’s raid and farm some keys 
Leave your offers below with a btag.
Hi there. Are you interested in joining a weekend raiding guild? We raid 11:00 am until 14:00 pm server time. Currently, at 5/10 HC.
Staticbleed (Facebleed#21627)
Morning my friend, you are exactly what we are looking for 
You can contact me via bnet: aRTeeCee#21836
Raid Times/Days : Wednesday - Sunday 8pm - 11 pm ST
Short info about us.
We welcome everyone with a healthy and positive attitude towards being members of a social and progression oriented team.
We’re a mixture of players that aim for pushing end-game content. Pillar men promotes a positive, toxic-free raiding environment while maintaining a healthy progression mentality.
We value the person before the player, everything is a balance, something we strongly stand by.
Our primary goal as guild will be to push CE in the first tier while steadily building up a roster. What you can expect from us: - Well structured and organised raids. With the understanding that CE is a goal and not something that will be a thing immediately. - Competitive yet relaxed atmosphere. - Dedicated leadership who work along with the team.
Here is the rest our recruitment thread: Delete this, irrelevant now
Hope to hear from you!