[H] Firemaw <Monstrous Bear Hugs> 8/8 Daytime raiding guild

Monstrous Bear Hugs is THE day time raiding guild for WoW Classic EU Horde.

Now with paid transfers open, we do cross-server recruitment in order to keep smoothly clearing BWL/MC and be ready for AQ/Nax.

Monstrous Bear Hugs is a mature and friendly community with a goal of clearing all content in a timely manner, providing a place for people with schedules and real life responsibilities that doesn’t allow you to commit on the normal raiding hours, offering you the chance to fully enjoy the game with a unique raiding schedule across the European servers.

We are a core of old-school wow players since the EU open beta, playing and raiding ever since. Having a laid back drama-free environment, we raid and progress in a relaxed but focused manner and seek like-minded people who either can’t or won’t raid at regular peak times, but still want to see all the content, or indeed people who simply want to join our family and enjoy Classic at their own pace.

Raid times and days

Saturday is our main raid day, 10.30 -13.30 CET, where we do the latest raid, current BWL.
Other than that we generally raid Tuesday to clear up leftover content like MC. Guild ZGs are run a bit more freely due to the resets being what they are.

Loot rules

Loot is handled with open-bid zero-sum DKP with a small regular decay and some minor bonuses such as for being on time, progression raids, etc.

While we generally let the dkp do the talking, some common sense restrictions such as MS > OS and tank priority for certain items such as Thunderfury do of course apply.

Mage – Limited spots
Rogues – Wanted
Warlocks – Limited spots
Holy Priests – Wanted
Resto Druids – Wanted
Resto Shamans – Wanted
Hunters – Limited spots
DPS Warriors – Wanted
Tanks (feral/prot) – Limited spots

Exceptional and dedicated players of all classes and specs are encouraged to apply!
Socials of all classes and specs are also welcome!


  • High attendance at our raids. We have and want to continue have a stable core of players that we can count on. (ideally 70%+)
    We do of course understand that real life takes priority, most of our members have a family, jobs etc.
  • Experience is not required, as long people are willing to learn and handle criticism and be active.
  • A good raiding attitude : Check up on basic strategy on boss fights, enchant your gear, bring consumables to raids, show up on time in a proper PvE spec, be a team player who wants to contribute to the guild and group up with others.

If interested, please have a look at our discord or find us in-game. Anyone can access and search for information, but if you want full access please write a little bit about yourself in the recruitment and applications areas and an officer will get back to you promptly! Feel free to ask anything you’d like in this topic too.
In-game, please look for Jhinposahrge, Ahgrim, Chezza, Vesp or Springfield. It is completely fine to join the guild as a social and then apply for a trial later as well. Social are very welcome in raids when there are open spots, and they earn the same dkp as members.

https:// discord.gg/DPjge4e

Updated to reflect current recruitment needs.
Particularly need a dedicated tank to stand by my side!

Updated again to match recruitment status.
Good balance in the guild atm but a few more hunters, resto shamans and another resto druid in particular would be nice. Also plenty of space for fury warriors.

Updated for BWL release. Especially interested in another hunter, more warriors and more healers!

We continue smoothly clearing BWL, but would still like some more healers! Especially shamans. Warriors also very welcome!

Recruiting a Holy Priest ?

Sorry for not responding here but very happy to have you in the guild mate! Gz on making member rank :slight_smile:
And for general info, yes we are certainly recruiting holy priests.
At the moment I think the most open recruitment spot remains resto shamans!

No particularly pressing need among any of the classes atm (though more holy priests and resto shamans are definitely always welcome).
However, as always we happily welcome socials of all classes, levels and specs, and socials are very welcome to try apply for a trial after checking out the guild a little. Good players and nice people can alwatys be squeezed in somewhere :slight_smile: Everyone gets a shot at raid spots if they work for it!

A little low on Melee Dps lately! Skilled and dedicated rogues and fury warriors wanted.
In general, dedicated, active and properly hardworking people of all classes and specs are very much encouraged to apply! Especially resto shamans and holy priests :slight_smile:

Numbers are generally good across the board! Another holy priest perhaps would be nice. Always very interested in applications though, of all classes and specs! Come join the family as we prepare for AQ!

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