Hi, Flawlessness is Recruiting, we are a Horde Guild with roots in Grim-Batol/Aggra EU.
We are a Social Guild that wants to focus more in raiding and we are in need mostly of Tanks and healers but we accept all classes and specs.
Not only to raiding but also as a member, we are looking to increase our base membership with players being them casual or very very active members.
Raiding days are Wednesday and Saturday 19h and 20h Server time respectively
Flawlessness asks:
Be a active players;
Be respectfull;
Be able to join discord;
Flawlessness will provide:
Healthy environment;
People to play with;
2 days of raiding;
Multiple Guild events, from mythic runs to pvp or transmog runs
Any question please /w any member and asks for a officer in game
At your service
Daz, the Crazy Cat Man