(H) Friends of the Grummels 10/10 HC SoD

Friends of the Grummels is a friendly guild who enjoys a good laugh while staying focused on progressing though Mythic SoD.

Best guild EU :smiley:

In our spare time we like to progress in Mythic plus and RBG’s for those interested.

We are currently looking for experienced Ranged dps, healers and off-tanks, who can help us push through Mythic SoD
We raid on Mondays and Wednesdays 8pm to 11pm server time.
On a Saturday we have alt raid or RBG’s

We are a guild formed at the beginning of Shadowlands and as we progressed through CN we formed a great community along the way

If you want to join “in our opinion” the best guild EU then please get in contact

btag tiivine#2240
discord Mendaz - Tinle#8294

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currently 2/10 mythic, DH, Boomie and lock would be great

hey i tried to message/ add u on discord for further info but your discord name in incorrect and nothing comes up

Not sure why, add me on btag, and we can have a chat there

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