[H] Fury warrior LF raiding guild

Right, so I’ve been in a guild called ScumBags since day 1 of Classic, but I found myself needing something else now.

I’m a 2.4k arena master multiclasser on retail (only played in BfA long enough to decide I never want to go back to retail), and I’ve played the game for a very long time. I’ve been in a couple of pugs in MC and Onyxia so far, and I’m decently geared.
I’m not going for the predefined “BiS lists” with the mix of leather and mail, I’m actually sticking to plate for a mix between PvE and PvP. So far, I haven’t noticed any real downside to it (BiS lists can be overrated due to stats coefficiency power peaks being neglected sometimes), and I’m doing a decent amount of dps and I can pick up targets in clutch moments when a tank dies by slapping on a shield.

I’ve tanked in vanilla. I’ve pvped in vanilla (rank 9). I’ve done a lot over the years, and looking to do it even better this time around.
I can OT at boss fights like sulfuron and the like, and I’ve got the gear and the know-how to fury tank in dungeons although it wears me down pretty fast so I won’t do it often in dungeons.

What I’m looking for is a guild that doesn’t use loot council loot systems, because they’re easily corrupted. Objectively fair systems like DKP is what I prefer.
I’m good at what I do and I’m very dedicated and active. I’m 27 yo.

To be clear though, I still think ScumBags is a great guild with a lot of potential.

We wish you the best of luck mate, catch you around no doubt!

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I’m still searching for a guild using DKP, but other kinds are fine as long as they match the spirit of DKP, being that it takes time to get loot.