[H] Gehenneas LF Raid Guild

We are a pretty chill 3 man premade team (Warrior Tank, Resto Shaman, Fire Mage) that are looking for a 10/25 HC raiding guild.

With the begin of the cata release we started to play and haven’t done LK or TBC before. What can we offer?
I, the resto shaman has a XP of playing resto shaman for like 18 years right now , raided a lot and played arena for a long time in the higher brackets.
Our fire mage also plays for like 18 years and raided a lot.
The warrior Tank has an experience of 3 years .

We always try to get the maximum out of our characters so that we’re be able to be on the top and improve with each day.
At the moment we are at ilvl 353+ and went the first week with pugs that was really chaotic.

You can hit me up ingame: Manilu, Discord: Kasados or Bnet: Kasados#2622

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