Glory Bay is a horde guild and we are recruiting! We are 10/10 and have been for a long time. We raid Molten Core on Thursdays at 19:30 and we do Onyxia usually Sundays, Mondays or Tuesdays depending on the reset.
We have lost a few people over christmas break and some have quit.
We are clearing MC in 2 hours-ish with 30 people so we need 10 more raiders we can gear up for BWL!
We currently need DPS warriors, Warlocks, Mages, Rogues, Resto/Enhancement shamans and priests.
We are pretty geared at the moment so its a good chance you will get geared pretty quick.
If you are interested join our discord and type what class you are and name of your character in #recruitment channel.
h t t ps://