[H] Golemagg 9/9 HM + Algalon - LF Warlock + more ... 21:30 - 00:30 late night raiding guild

Common Sense, a semi-hardcore raiding guild, has been conquering raids together since the dawn of Classic. With a record of clearing every phase in its pre-nerf state during TBC, we’re determined to carry on this legacy in WOTLK raids.

We’re on the lookout for exceptional players to bolster our ranks! The following classes and specs would make a perfect addition to our raid composition however we would be more than happy to accept any exceptional applicant if you feel our raid times suit your needs:

Warlock Aff / Demo x2
Protection Paladin w/ OS Holy or ideally retri
Mage Fire / Arcane
Exceptional DPS players
Any exceptional Player

:clock930: Raid Days and Times :clock930:
Our raiding days are Wednesday, Thursday and optional Sunday. Raids commence at 21:30 and conclude at 00:30 SERVER TIME. Currently,** our 25-man raids take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays**, where we aim to full clear all hard modes and Algalon. Sundays are usually reserved for optional 25 man alt runs, future progression runs, achievements and 10man HM.
We are now able to clear Ulduar including all Hard modes and Algalon in 1 night. This is in preparation for ToGC which will take place on either Wed or Thur.

:BiS: **Loot ** :BiS:
Our loot distribution system utilizes Thatsmybis. You’ll select your BiS items and receive a priority number, informing you when you’ll obtain them. Any unclaimed items will be rolled MS>OS. We maintain flexibility and may adjust priority if an item offers a greater upgrade for you.

:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: **Requirements **:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:
A level 80 Alt for Alt raiding is preferred but not required. We run optional alt runs each week.
Be fully gemmed, enchanted, and equipped with flasks and pots. Arrive raid-ready!
Possess a friendly attitude. Skill is essential, but a bad attitude is unwelcome.
Maintain an 85%+ attendance rate. Aim for 100%!

:chart_with_upwards_trend: **Progress **:chart_with_upwards_trend:
:white_check_mark:Glory of the Ulduar Raider - Complete
:white_check_mark:Ulduar 10: 9/9 HM + Algalon - Complete
:white_check_mark:Ulduar 25: 9/9 HM + Algalon - Complete
:x:Yogg 0 - We’ve tried this once. We aren’t too motivated to do it.

:small_blue_diamond: Think you’d be a great fit? Don’t hesitate to send me a DM or, better yet, join our Discord and complete the application form in our apply section. We can’t wait to have you on board!

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