[H] Gordian Knot [6/8M] - Draenor Recruiting!

Guild name: Gordian Knot
Faction: Horde
Realm: Draenor (EU)
Realm Type: Normal - PVE
Current progress: Nerub’ar Palace 6/8M
Raid days - Main runs: Wednesday, Sunday, Monday*
Raid days - Secondary runs: Thursday
Raid times: 20.00-23.15 CET
Website: https://gordian-knot.eu
Comms: https://gordian-knot.eu/discord
(Full application details on website)

:information_source: RECRUITING FOR RAIDING :information_source:

High Demand:

  • Evoker: Preservation
  • Mage: All specs
  • Priest: Shadow
  • Shaman: Elemental & Restoration
  • Warrior: Fury & Arms

Medium Demand:

  • DH: Havoc
  • Druid: Balance
  • Monk: Windwalker
  • Rogue: All specs

Also, in order to be able to join our main team straight away, you need to meet the requirements for our current progress, which are around 635+ item level equipped.

We are always open to discuss the possibility of a merge and have been able to incorporate successfully in the past smaller teams and guilds to our roster. Most of us are versatile people and would be willing to accommodate for some restructure in the team and specs, provided of course that you work with us in the same spirit of cooperation.

Any social and friendly person who wants to join us for kicks and giggles is welcome. Just poke any of our officers online and you will get an invite for a social spot (no raiding spot).

:information_source: ABOUT US :information_source:

Gordian Knot is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that consists of experienced raiders with some of them having raiding experience as far back as Vanilla.

We are a friendly group who enjoys World of Warcraft and loves raiding. We have fun and joke around but when bosses need to go down then all is serious! We wish for all our members to enjoy the game as much as we do and we expect raiders to maintain a 80% attendance per month. Our wish is for this guild to provide a place for our members to call home and enjoy all aspects of this game in a fun and relaxed environment.

We also enjoy a variety of other activities such as running a lot of Mythic+ dungeons doing alt-runs, achievement runs etc.
We generally aim to push Mythic+ to get +10 keys done for the weekly chests and mythic track gear. We do this in spirit to help everyone in the guild getting their highest possible gear reward from their weekly cache (socials included).

There are a few things we hold in high value but above else we value friendliness and politeness towards guildies and other players and skillfulness when it comes to the more serious parts of the game.

:information_source: CURRENTLY :information_source:

We raid 3 nights a week, Wednesdays, Sundays and Mondays* from 20:15 till 23:15 server time. Our raid invites always start 15 minutes prior to each raid.
*We raid on Mondays for as long as we farm gear from raiding. Once we start extending, if not earlier, we drop down to 2-day raiding.
Although we are a 20-man guild, we usually run an extra group in order to get more people to experience the joys of raiding, help new raiders learn the Knot’s way to down bosses and gearing up. Usually, these runs happen on Thursdays, and also we’re on RBGs killing alliance scums every Friday or Saturday or on other in game activities if not on RBGs!

Our current guild progress is 6/8 on Nerub’ar Palace mythic, and we’re focusing on getting further progress in The War Within. Our aim is to always progress as much as possible but also to have a relaxed and fun atmosphere at the same time!

If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at https://gordian-knot.eu/apply/ , or join our discord https://discord.gg/NyuK2QJY5k, alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

  • Narweena - Sephyra#2517
  • Tia - Tialha#2798
  • Messenii - Georgina#2806
  • Kholyo - KQ111#2177

  • Narweena - narweena
  • Tia - tia_12
  • Messenii - messenii
  • Kholyo - .kholyo

PS. We’re always open to group applications!
We are also open and welcome social applications!


Hey guys we are still looking for exceptional players right now on high demand is Shadow priest, Mage and dps dk.

We are also opened to friendly players that just want to run mythic+ and socialize.

On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

We have a few spots opened for our mythic raiding team.
We are also opened to friendly players that just want to run mythic+ and socialize.

High Demand:

  • Death Knight: Frost
  • Mage: Fire & Frost
  • Monk: Windwalker
  • Priest: Shadow
  • Shaman: Elemental


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

We are still looking for skilled raiders to fill out our roster!

We are also opened to friendly players that just want to run mythic+ and socialize.

High Demand:

Death Knight: Frost
Mage: Fire & Frost
Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Shadow
Shaman: Elemental


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

We are still looking for raiders to fill out our roster and social players are always welcome :slight_smile:

High Demand:

Death Knight: Frost
Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Shadow
Shaman: Elemental


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

Happy New Year! everyone Gordian Knot are still actively recruiting new raiders and social members no rest for the wicked!!

High Demand:

Death Knight: Frost
Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Shadow
Rogue: Any
Paldin: Holy


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

So with the new year we are in need of fresh blood in preparation for the new raid!

High Demand:

Death Knight: Frost
Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Shadow
Rogue: Any
Paldin: Holy


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

Happy New Year! everyone Gordian Knot are still actively recruiting new raiders and social members no rest for the wicked!!

High Demand:

Death Knight: Frost
Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Shadow
Rogue: Any
Paldin: Holy


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

So we are now recruiting new members for the new raid social are also very much welcomed!

High Demand:

Death Knight: Frost
Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Shadow
Rogue: Any
Paldin: Holy


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

Two days left till the new raid still trying to fill out the last remaining spots if your looking for a semi hardcore guild look no further! we are also accepting socials they are always welcome :slight_smile:

High Demand:

Death Knight: Frost
Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Shadow
Rogue: Any
Paldin: Holy


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

Gordian Knot are still actively recruiting new raiders and social members

High Demand:

Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Shadow
Rogue: Any
Druid: Boomkin
Shaman: Elemental


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

We are still recruiting new members for our raiding roster and social side of the guild right now we are in high demand on key spec/classes.

High Demand:

Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Shadow
Rogue: Any
Druid: Boomkin
Shaman: Elemental


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#2590
Deatrix - Jasmina#2457
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:
Zerolimitz - Zerolimitz#0023
Deatrix - Deatrix#1576

Good evening, we are still recruiting. Both raiders and socials are welcome.

High demand

Druid: Balance
Mage: Frost
Monk: Windwalker
Priest: Holy
Shaman: Elemental


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:

Good evening everyone!! Social players always welcome :smiley:

High demand
Priest: Holy

Medium demand
Mage: Frost
Warlock: Destruction
Priest: Shadow


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:

Hello fellow Azerothians!!! Friday at last!!! Time for the fun and games to begin :smiley: We’re always looking for new friends to join :slight_smile:

Medium demand
Mage: Frost
Priest: Holy & Shadow
Warlock: Destruction


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:

Hello fellow Guys!!! We’re always looking for new friends to join :slight_smile:

Medium demand
Mage: Frost
Priest: Holy & Shadow
Warlock: Destruction


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:

Good evening everyone!!! Looking for players to fill some raiding spots. Social players always welcomed :slight_smile:

High demand
Mage: Frost & Fire
Monk: Mistweaver
Priest: Holy
Paladin: Holy
Warrior: Fury


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:


Mekkatorque HC is down and now we are looking into strengthening our mythic roster as we move forward in progression.

Few spots are left and are up for grabs!

Mage: Frost & Fire
Monk: Mistweaver
Priest: Holy
Paladin: Holy
Warrior: Fury

Feel free to check our awesome website and apply there!

or alternative you can contact us directly

On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:
Xtotti - xtotti#8758

Still looking for a guild? If you are up for raiding or looking for a nice social and friendly atmosphere get in touch now! :smiley:

High demand
Mage: Frost & Fire
Monk: Mistweaver
Priest: Holy
Paladin: Holy
Warrior: Fury


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord:

Good evening everyone!! We are looking for some raiders to bolster our team for mythic progress!! Socials, pvpers and leveling enthusiasts always welcome :smiley:

High Demand

  • Death Knight: Blood
  • Monk: Brewmaster & Windwalker
  • Priest: Holy
  • Warrior: Fury & Protection

Medium Demand

  • Mage: Frost & Fire
  • Monk: Mistweaver
  • Paladin: Holy


On Bnet:
Leleko - Leleko#2235
Narweena - Sephyra#2517
Xtottii - xtotti#2339

On Discord: