EU - HORDE - Hardcore - PvP Server
GRIND is a hardcore horde PvP+PvE guild and was created right after Blizzard announced Classic World of Warcraft at Blizzcon 2017.
We are a group of private server veterans with years of experience but also world top raiders & arena players from retail and our goal is to pursue a top spot among guilds world wide.
We will be part of everything that happens on our server - May it be PvE, PvP Ranking, World Bosses, World PvP or Mafia business.
Our Goals
- be a world top contender in PvE&PvP
- massive World PvP & World Boss dominance/presence
- controlling the limited resources in Classic WoW
- have 2 superb performing raid rosters tho one will go for fastest cleartimes & absolute min/maxing
What we expect from you
- have 95%+ raid attendance
- you are expected to come fully buffed and with consumables to every raid
- you are expected to regularly check spreadsheets and discord for assignments/news
- we expect you to minmax/theorycraft to maximize your potential
- world Bosses are #1 priority. You are expected to come, no matter what you are currently doing ingame
What you can expect from GRIND
- strong leadership with lots of experience from past servers
- very organized spreadsheets for pretty much everything ingame
- a friendly community and toxic-free environment
- raiding & ranking in pvp with similar minded players who play at a top level
Loot System
A fair lootcouncil which rewards people by performance, activity and overall effort to make the best it can be.
Wednesday & Sunday - 19:00-23:00
Apply at
- We’re working on a proper page but for now we use shivtr for our applications.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with us!